ChLA Communities : Pre-1900 Literature
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 Subject : Nature and race.. 05/14/2020 03:21:57 PM 
Karen Chandler
Posts: 3
Location: University of Louisville
Jewell Parker Rhodes' recent novel Sugar includes several episodes in which the young African American protagonist plays outside, either alone, with a white child, or with adults. I wondered if anyone can think of examples of outdoor play involving black children in texts from before 1900.
 Subject : Re:Nature and race.. 09/22/2020 03:33:06 PM 
Laura Hakala
Posts: 2
Hi Karen, that's an interesting question! I can think of a few examples of black enslaved children who are forced to play with white children as part of their work duties, such as Diddie, Dumps, and Tot by Louise Clarke Pyrnelle (1882) and the series starting with Little Mr. Thimblefinger by Joel Chandler Harris. However, in terms of a black child playing more independently for leisure purposes...I can only think of Step by Step: Tidy's Way to Freedom (186) by the American Tract Society. There's a scene where enslaved kids play together (without any white people present) on the grounds of the plantation.
 Subject : Re:Nature and race.. 09/22/2020 03:34:06 PM 
Laura Hakala
Posts: 2
Step by Step was published in 1862. Sorry for that typo!
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