Children's Literature Association Quarterly

The editors of the ChLA Quarterly will consider scholarly articles on all aspects of children's literature from any time period. Articles submitted for publication should be 20-30 pages in length and should conform to MLA style. We follow the bibliographical format specified in the eighth edition of the MLA Handbook, omitting the designations "Print" and "Web," but including URLs when necessary. Please send completed essays by e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format to [email protected].
For all submissions, please use 12-point Times New Roman font and double-space all text, notes, and bibliography; do not justify right margins. Please also submit electronically a cover sheet indicating the author's name and address. Identifying information should appear at no other place in the essay.
We will not consider work that is under submission elsewhere or that has been published previously. The ChLA Quarterly uses a double-anonymous evaluation system: we will not share the identity of the author with the readers, or the readers' identities with the author.
Mailing address: Joseph Michael Sommers, Editor Department of English Anspach Hall 215 Central Michigan University Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859 [email protected]
ChLAQ Staff: Editor: Joseph Michael Sommers, Central Michigan University Associate Editors: Amanda M. Greenwell, Central Connecticut State University Sonya Sawyer Fritz, University of Central Arkansas Krystal Howard, CSU-Northridge Editorial Assistant: Roy Rowan, Illinois State University
Books for review should be sent directly to the book review editor: Mark I. West English Department University of North Carolina - Charlotte Charlotte, NC 28223
For information about advertising in the ChLA Quarterly, please visit this page on The Johns Hopkins University Press website.
Electronic copies of all volumes of ChLA Quarterly (E-ISSN: 1553-1201) are now available to institutions through The Johns Hopkins University Press online collection Project Muse. For subscription details, see
The ChLA Quarterly is published by The Johns Hopkins University Press and provided to members of the Children's Literature Association as part of the annual membership. For information on back issues please contact the ChLA Manager by email at [email protected] or by phone at 630-571-4520.