Children's Literature

Children’s Literature is published annually by Johns Hopkins University Press and edited at Hollins University. It is the annual publication of the Children’s Literature Association and the Modern Language Association Division on Children’s Literature. Print ISSN for the journal is 0092-8208. The journal seeks to publish theoretically-based articles that demonstrate an awareness of key issues and criticism in children’s literature. Articles submitted for publication should be 20-30 pages in length and should conform to MLA style. To facilitate anonymous review, the author’s name should not appear on the essay. Please provide full contact information in a separate document. Double-spacing should be used throughout text and notes. Please send completed essays by e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word to [email protected].
Editorial correspondence should be addressed to The Editors, Children’s Literature, Hollins University, Box 9677, Roanoke, VA 24020 or to [email protected]. Children’s Literature staff: Editor in Chief: Lisa Rowe Fraustino Book Review Editor: Melissa Jenkins Editorial Assistant: Lisa J. Radcliff
Books for review should be sent directly to the Book Review Editor:
Melissa Jenkins English Department Wake Forest University PO Box 7387 Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7387
Email queries to: [email protected]
Volumes of Children’s Literature are provided annually to members of the Children’s Literature Association as part of membership.
Note that Children’s Literature will only be printed in soft cover and will only be available as part of membership subscription to the Children’s Literature Association. Single issue purchase is only available on past year volumes, and availability is limited to volumes remaining in print. Direct inquiries to: [email protected].
Electronic Availability Electronic copies of all volumes of Children’s Literature (E-ISSN: 1543-3374) are now available to institutions through The Johns Hopkins University Press online collection, Project Muse. For subscription details, see