
Policies and Procedures Manual (Revised and Updated August 2024) 
Strategic Plan, 2016-2021
Strategic Plan, 2007-2012 
Strategic Plan - 2011 Accountability Report

Constitution and Bylaws


Article I: Name

The name of the Association shall be The Children's Literature Association; the official abbreviation of this name shall be ChLA.

Article II: Objectives

The objectives of the Association shall be to encourage scholarship, research, and criticism in the field of children's literature,
and to enhance the professional stature of the undergraduate and graduate teaching of children's literature and of the teaching of literature to children.

The Association shall work to meet these objectives through the following:

(1)     an annual conference;
(2)     publication of a scholarly journal to be called the Children's Literature Association Quarterly;
(3)     distribution of other journals and materials related to the study of children's literature, as specified in the Association's Bylaws;
(4)     a reference service;
(5)     annual awards and grants;
(6)     working with other organizations, with publishers, and with the public;
(7)     projects and programs that encourage high standards in the writing of and about children's literature; and
(8)     projects and programs that encourage high standards in the teaching of children's literature at all levels.

Article III: Membership

Section 1.  Individuals and institutions shall become members of the Association by paying annual dues as determined by the Executive Board. Categories of membership shall be specified by the Executive Board.

Section 2.  No member of the Association shall be personally liable to its creditors for any indebtedness of the Association.

Article IV: Officers

The elected officers of the Association shall consist of a President, a Vice President/ President-elect, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Their terms and duties shall be as outlined in the Association's Policies and Procedures Manual.

Article V: The Executive Board

Section 1.  The Executive Board shall consist of thirteen voting members: the President; the Vice President/President-elect; the Secretary; the Treasurer; and nine elected members. The immediate Past President shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Board in an advisory capacity for one year after their term as President expires.

Section 2.  The Executive Board may appoint members of the Association to posts which shall be ex officio, non-voting positions on the Executive Board. Their positions, terms, and duties shall be as outlined in the Association's Policies and Procedures Manual.

Section 3.  A quorum of the Executive Board shall consist of one-half plus one of the voting members, i.e., seven members.

Section 4.  A regular meeting of the Executive Board will be held annually, normally in conjunction with the Association's annual conference. Additional meetings may be held at the discretion of the President or upon written request of a quorum of the Executive Board. The purpose of any such additional meetings shall be specified in advance in writing, and only that business shall be conducted.

Article VI: Elections

Officers, members of the Executive Board, and members of other committees as specified in the Association's Bylaws shall be elected by the membership at large, by means specified in the Association's Bylaws. Results of elections shall be announced at the annual membership business meeting.

Article VII: Executive Governing Authority

Section 1.  The elected officers described in Article IV, assisted by the Association Management Company, shall constitute an Executive Governing Authority.

Section 2.  This body shall be empowered to make decisions by majority vote of its members between meetings of the Executive Board.

Article VIII: Annual Conference

The Association shall hold an annual conference, working in conjunction with individuals and institutions in the area where the conference is to take place. The organization and financing of the conference shall follow the guidelines specified in the Association's Policies and Procedures Manual.

Article IX: Annual Membership Business Meeting

Section 1.  An annual business meeting of the membership of the Association shall be held in conjunction with the annual conference, unless otherwise ordered by the Association membership or by the Executive Board with the approval of the Association membership. The specific date of the annual membership business meeting shall be approved by the Executive Board.

Section 2.  The annual membership business meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting the business of the Association, of soliciting nominations for officers, Executive Board members, and committee members, and of receiving the reports of officers and committees. The agenda shall be set by the President with the assistance of the Executive Board.

Section 3.  A quorum at the annual membership business meeting shall consist of ten percent of the individual membership. Decisions shall be determined by simple majority vote of the membership present.

Article X: Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this Constitution and any special rules of order the Association may adopt.

Article XI: Procedures and Policies

In addition to this Constitution and its Bylaws, the officers, committee chairs, committees, and appointees of this Association shall operate in accordance with those policies and procedures outlined in the Policies and Procedures Manual approved and periodically amended by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board. In any conflict between the Policies and Procedures Manual and the Constitution and Bylaws, the Constitution shall hold precedence.

Article XII: Amendments

Section 1.  This Constitution may be amended with the approval of at least two-thirds of those of the Association's membership who participate by submitting a ballot in an election held by mail, provided the amendment has been submitted in writing to the membership at least one month before the vote is taken and that the vote has been directed by the Executive Board.

Section 2.  The Bylaws to this Constitution may be amended with the approval of at least two-thirds of the voting members of the Executive Board present at one of its meetings or by a mail vote.

Section 3.  The amendment to establish a quorum at an annual membership business meeting may be examined at the meeting and duly voted upon by all present in accordance with the parliamentary authority by which this Association operates.

Article XIII: Dissolution

In the event of dissolution, all assets, real and personal, shall be distributed to such organizations dealing with children and/or children's literature as are qualified as tax exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding provisions of a future United States Internal Revenue Code. Such organizations shall be selected by simple majority vote of the Executive Board.

Article XIV: Indemnification

To the fullest extent allowed by the laws of the state, province, and/or country governing the Association, the Association shall indemnify and hold harmless each person who is now, as of June 16, 2012, or shall hereafter serve as a Director, Officer, employee, or agent of the Association from and against any and all claims and liabilities, whether the same are settled or proceed to judgment, to which such person shall have become subject by reason of their having heretofore or hereafter been a Director, Officer, employee, or agent of the Association, or by any reason of any action alleged to have been heretofore or hereafter been a Director, Officer, employee, or agent of the Association.


A.  Membership

1. The dues for membership in the Association shall be determined annually by the Executive Board.

2.  The six categories of membership shall be as follows: Institutional; individuals with annual incomes up to $34,999; from $35,000 to $44,999; from $45,000 to $74,999, from $75,000 to $99,999 and those $100,000 and over. 

3. Payment of annual dues shall entitle the Individual Member to vote in the Association's annual election, to be nominated for election as one of the Association's officers or as a member of one of its committees, and to receive current copies of the Children's Literature Association Quarterly and of the other publications as outlined in these Bylaws.

4. Payment of the annual dues shall entitle the Institutional Member to send one representative to the annual conference at membership rates and to receive current copies of the Children's Literature Association Quarterly and of the other publications as outlined in these Bylaws.

5. Honorary Life membership may be conferred by the Executive Board on those members who have made significant contributions to the Association. Honorary Life membership shall be conferred on no more than one person per calendar year. Honorary Life members are accorded all privileges of regular members.

B.  Officers

1. The President and the Vice President/President-elect shall each serve a term of one year, with elections held annually. The President shall supervise the operations of the Association and perform the duties as outlined in the Association's Policies and Procedures Manual; the duties of the Vice President/President-elect shall be as defined in the Policies and Procedures Manual.

2. The Secretary shall serve a term of two years, with elections held biannually. The Secretary shall act as recording secretary at the Association's annual membership business meeting and at meetings of the Executive Board, and shall perform other duties as outlined in the Association's Policies and Procedures Manual.

3. The Treasurer shall serve a term of three years, with elections held every three years. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial operations of the Association, as described in the Association's Policies and Procedures Manual.

4. No officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in one office.

5. Terms of officers shall begin immediately following the annual membership business meeting at which their election is announced; their terms shall end at the conclusion of the annual membership business meeting in the year in which they leave their office. New officers shall be invited to attend ex officio the Executive Board meeting held at the conference at which their election is announced.

6. Officers shall attend all scheduled meetings of the Executive Board during their terms of office. The Executive Board shall have the power to ask an officer who has missed two consecutive meetings to resign.

7. In the case of a resignation or other vacancy, the candidate who received the next highest number of votes shall be declared elected and shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term. In the event that the candidate with the next highest number of votes is unavailable, the remainder of the term shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Governing Authority.

C.  The Executive Board

1. Three Executive Board members shall be elected each year for terms of three years, with terms to expire sequentially to provide continuity. In addition to attendance at meetings of the Executive Board, duties of Board members shall be as defined in the Association's Policies and Procedures Manual.

2. No Executive Board member may serve more than two consecutive elected terms. This Bylaw shall not prevent an Executive Board member from being elected as an officer of the Association immediately after their term as a Board member.

3. Terms of the members shall begin immediately following the annual membership business meeting at which their election is announced. New members shall be invited to attend ex officio the Executive Board meeting at the conference at which their election is announced.

4. Executive Board members shall attend all scheduled Board meetings during their terms of office. The Executive Board shall have the power to ask a Board member who has missed two consecutive meetings to resign from the office.

5. In the case of a resignation or other vacancy, the candidate who received the next highest number of votes shall be declared elected and shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term. In the event that the candidate with the next highest number of votes is unavailable, the remainder of the term shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Governing Authority.

D.  Executive Governing Authority (Executive Committee)

1. Between scheduled meetings of the Executive Board, an Executive Governing Authority consisting of the elected officers assisted by the Association Management Company shall be empowered to make decisions on the basis of telephone or electronic mail consultation confirmed by majority written vote of the officers, with two exceptions: when financial decisions violate the investment criteria outlined in the Association's Policies and Procedures Manual; and when unbudgeted disbursements of amounts over $1,000 are contemplated.

E.  Elected Committees

1. The elected committees of the Association shall include the following: the Accessibility Committee; the Anne Devereaux Jordan Award Committee; the Article Award Committee; the Book Award Committee; the Diversity Committee; the Edited Book Award Committee; the Ethics Committee (2 of 4 elected); the Grants Committee; the International Committee; the Judith Plotz Emerging Scholar Award Committee; the Ombuds Committee; the Phoenix Award Committee and the Phoenix Picture Book Award Committee.

2. Members of elected committees are elected by the membership of the Association.

3. Chairs of these elected committees shall be appointed by the Executive Board to serve for three years. Exceptions will be approved by the Executive Board.

4. The composition, duties, terms of office, and permanent charge of elected committees shall be as outlined in the Association's Policies and Procedures Manual.

5. The Executive Board shall create new elected committees and dissolve existing elected committees as deemed necessary to carry out the goals of the Association.

6. In the case of a resignation or other vacancy, the candidate who received the next highest number of votes shall be declared elected and shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term. In the event that the candidate with the next highest number of votes is unavailable, the remainder of the term shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Governing Authority.

F.  Appointed Committees

1. The appointed committees of the Association shall include the following: Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award Committee; Communications Committee; Conference Planning Committee; Ethics Committee (2 of 4 appointed); Membership Committee; Nominations and Elections Committee; Publications Advisory Board; and Ad Hoc Committees as approved by the Executive Board.

2. Members of appointed committees are appointed by the President, with the concurrence of the Executive Board.

3. The composition, duties, terms of office, and permanent charge of appointed committees shall be as outlined in the Association's Policies and Procedures Manual.

4. The Executive Board shall create new appointed committees and dissolve existing appointed committees as deemed necessary to carry out the work of the Association.

G.  Publications

1. The official publication of the Association shall be a scholarly journal, the Children's Literature Association Quarterly. The content and organization of this publication shall be as outlined in the Association's Policies and Procedures Manual.

2. The Annual, Children's Literature, shall be offered free to members as long as financially feasible.

3. The Publications Advisory Board may propose the publication of other materials, such as books of literary criticism, pamphlets, and other materials, either under its own direction or in cooperation with other organizations or publishers.

H.  Elections

1. Officers, Executive Board members, and members of elected committees shall be nominated by the Nominations and Elections Committee or by petition or by nominations from the floor at the annual membership business meeting and elected prior to the next such annual meeting.

2. Election procedures are as outlined in the Association's Policies and Procedures Manual.

I.  Association Management Company

1. The Executive Board shall contract for an Association Management Company, who shall establish a central office and supervise the day-to-day affairs of the Association as outlined in the Association's Policies and Procedures manual.

J.  Membership Requirement

1. All officers, Board members, and committee members must have current membership status by May 1 to remain in office.

2. All presenters at the Association's annual conference or the ChLA Allied sessions at the Modern Language Association must be members of the Association in order to present. Membership must be obtained at least one month prior to the first day of the conference.
Adopted:  March 1974
Last Revised: December 17, 2021